
Together with ANA, The CALP will make robust interventionist efforts at growing to a great extent the passion for literature and creative imaginative writing in secondary schools and universities. Part of the efforts will be to help set up creative writing clubs, if there are none. And if there are already, the clubs would be encouraged to be more active. And then, there could be a week’s workshop held for select secondary schools and another for select universities at intervals; in the course of which T-Shirts, bags, mugs, and face caps with The CALP label on some, whereas on other items the name Chinua Achebe or a work of his, (and there could be several of his works on the different items), produced for the occasion, would be distributed to participants. There could be more creative incentives put in place, but the idea remains to robustly encourage – nurture if you will – the latent creative talents in young people.